AI Mailbox Makeover + Work in Your Sleep // Stay Ahead #01

AI Mailbox Makeover + Work in Your Sleep

December 5, 2023 | Edition #01

Hi Reader,

🎉 Welcome to Stay Ahead from FlexOS!

As announced last month, this weekly newsletter will share the latest AI tools and insights to help you work smarter, not harder.

In this week’s edition:

  1. AI Tools of the Week: Handpicked apps to streamline your inbox.
  2. Must-Know News: Work in your sleep + other insights that matter.
  3. Job board: Curated hybrid and remote jobs to help you move up.

Welcome aboard!

AI Tools: The Inbox Makeover

I believe in AI to work smarter, not harder.

And what better place to start than our inbox? Because 58% of people dive into emails first thing—and spend up to 5.5 hours a day reading them. Can you say wasteful?

So, let’s reset the mailbox. Here are two tools I tested to streamline your inbox.

Makeover your mailbox with ​

Remember those random promotions and websites you signed up for and now receive daily? It’s time to let them go.

The tool will scan your mailbox and categorize excessive emails into smart folders. Then, it will give you personalized suggestions of what to clean up and process new emails accordingly. is compatible with the web, iOS, and Android. It is simple, easy to use, and highly impactful.

FREE for basic features. Premium accounts start at $29 and include unsubscriber, screener, and auto-clean.

Skip long emails with ​ helps you get to the core message by using AI to give you a one-line summary of any email.

Price: comes as a free Chrome extension. If you’re a Mac user, check out +AI summary ($6.38/month).

In the News

Every week, we pick must-read articles about the future of work – so you can stay ahead. Here are this week’s picks:

Fortune: Lucid Dream Startup Says You Can Work in Your Sleep.

There may be good news if you’ve ever felt you could do your job in your sleep. A new startup called Prophetic is working on technology to let you do that, tapping into “Lucid Dreaming.”

CNBC: Return to office is ‘dead,’ Stanford economist says. Here’s why

Nick Bloom (who we had on the podcast recently) shares why remote work is here to stay. The Stanford professor also highlights that regardless of the media narrative, remote has many benefits, something we knew all along.

FlexOS: Generative AI at Work Research Report

We surveyed 200 knowledge workers, and nearly all said it’s positively impacting their roles.

They also said tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly, and Firefly made them more productive and even taught them new skills.

Fortune: Labor Market Will Stay Tight As Shifting Demographics Drain Talent Pool

New Randstad research shows labor shortages in developed economies impact workforce availability and require strategies like AI integration and flexible work options for older employees.

FlexOS: 24 Best Leadership Conferences to Have on Your Radar in 2024

We compiled a list of the most impressive 2024 leadership conferences and events.

Whether you want to level up in marketing or become a better leader, there’s something here for you—in-person and remote.

Jobs to Level Up

We want you to make the change we need in this world of work. And do it from wherever is best for you. Here are some jobs that caught our attention:

Need more options? WeWorkRemotely, FlexJobs, Remote’s new job board, and Flexa are great places to get vetted remote-friendly roles.

How did we do?

That’s it for our first edition of Stay Ahead, the newsletter that keeps you ahead in the future of work. Reply and give us your feedback: what could we do better?

We’re here for you, truly.

Daan and the team at FlexOS

FlexOS, 28 Tanjong Pagar Rd., Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 569933
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Stay Ahead in the Future of Work

From the latest AI tools to crucial insights and better jobs – if you want to work smarter, not harder, in the future of work, this is your weekly must-read.

Read more from Stay Ahead in the Future of Work

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