
Stay Ahead in the Future of Work

From the latest AI tools to crucial insights and better jobs – if you want to work smarter, not harder, in the future of work, this is your weekly must-read.

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[Event Invitation] How To Retain Top Talent

Dear Reader, Research shows that losing talent can cost up to 3x their annual salary. This is even more true for top talent, up to 8x more effective than regular employees. Join us to hear new data from the Culture Amp People Science team and discuss amongst fellow CxOs how to hold onto your very best talent in 2024. CxO Roundtable: Retaining Top TalentMarch 22, 9AM Singapore, online via Zoom. Claim Your Ticket Today All the best, DaanCEO, FlexOS FlexOS, 28 Tanjong Pagar Rd., Singapore,...

AI Mailbox Makeover + Work in Your Sleep December 5, 2023 | Edition #01 Hi Reader, 🎉 Welcome to Stay Ahead from FlexOS! As announced last month, this weekly newsletter will share the latest AI tools and insights to help you work smarter, not harder. In this week’s edition: AI Tools of the Week: Handpicked apps to streamline your inbox. Must-Know News: Work in your sleep + other insights that matter. Job board: Curated hybrid and remote jobs to help you move up. Welcome aboard! AI Tools: The...